
About us


Loves to cook, eat, read, and sleep. Dragging her family along on this healthy food journey (luckily they are good sports). Wants to own a backyard homestead someday but will settle for getting fresh eggs from her neighbors for now.

Handsome Hubs:

Great father, husband, and handiman. He can fix or make anything that involves power tools. Will eat anything that is put in front of him (one of his more endearing qualities). He is willing to have a backyard homestead some day if he gets a large garage for himself.


3 1/2. Loves My Little Ponies and Frozen. A bit sassy. Super imaginative and is often in her own world. She would prefer to eat hot dogs, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries for every meal. Still says "tennis shoe" for "tissue" despite a lot of correction. It is awesome.


18 months. He will eat anything you place in front of him (especially if it is meat). He is our carnivore. He  loves his Mama a lot. Doesn't like his sister as much. We are working on it. Loves Frozen by default (thank you MJ), Elmo, and Curious George.


Our Medium sized Labradoodle. A year old in October of 2014. She is MJ's best buddy and Darci's favorite garbage disposal.

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