
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 14

Day 14

Meal 1: Sauteed mushrooms, red onion, and power greens with scrambled eggs, avocado, and a side of very sad looking carrots. I just REALLY needed to go grocery shopping. This was all I could scrape together haha!

Meal 2: Banana with almond butter.

I was feeling kind of bleh for lunch. Not really wanting to eat anything. But I knew I should eat something so I ate a banana with almond butter. This may not sound like a big deal to you, but I hate bananas. Like for reals. I have my whole life. I hate the texture. I hate the taste. I think they are disgusting. For some reason I just really wanted a banana. Guess what, I liked it. I mean, I am not going to eat them everyday but I actually ate it and didn't want to puke or burn my tongue off during the process. This is a Whole30 miracle for sure. Food tastes better!

Meal 3: Brussel sprouts with bacon, pork chops, salad with balsamic vinegar (or in other words "I went grocery shopping"

I used Nom Nom Paleo's recipe for brussel sprouts. These were amazing. I am STILL thinking about them the next day! I want to eat more RIGHT NOW. I am going to make more soon because they were so good. I have made brussel sprouts one other time in my life and they were so gross. These were little sprouts of goodness. I want to make these like every single week. And I just might. My kids and husband didn't like them but I honestly was happy because that meant MORE for ME! Suckas!!

The pork chops were seasoned with salt, pepper, and onion powder. My father-in-law makes these and they are a family favorite. Super simple but super delicious.

My thoughts on today:

It really sucks when your fridge isn't stocked and you are starving. All you want to do is eat something but you are out of veggies and your fruit is running low as well. My tip, don't run out of groceries when you are on Whole30. :)

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