
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 16-18

Day 16:

Meal 1: Scrambled eggs, broccoli on the side, avocado

Meal 2: Leftover Turkey Chili

Meal 3: Nom Nom Paleo Brussel Sprouts, my Italian Chicken over salad with balsamic vinegar

My thoughts on today: Sorry, no pictures for today. I was too busy! My baby boy was sick today. Like puking everywhere kind of sick. It was hard and the poor kid was so miserable. So my food wasn't very exciting...until dinner. I made sure I had a delicious dinner so that I could make up for having lame leftovers for other meals (I like leftovers but I LOVE cooking and making new food as well). Once again, I had enough energy to handle a very sick 18 month old and not lose my mind. I am so grateful that I had enough food on hand that I was able to happily eat meals that were 100% compliant. It is great have a stocked fridge and pantry!!

Day 17:

Meal 1: my favorite omelette (bacon, power greens, fresh tomato, and avocado)

Meal 2: Leftover Turkey Chili (again...I know, but I usually always eat up leftovers for lunch) this time served with a roasted sweet potato, YUM! Side of strawberries and cucumbers.

Roasted Sweet Potato
-Sweet potato of your choice, cut in half (white or regular sweet potatoes both work well, I did regular this time)
-Olive Oil or Avocado Oil (I use Avocado Oil)
-salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400. Coat sweet potatoes in your oil of choice, salt and pepper both sides. Place sweet potato flat side down on a baking sheet. Let it go for about 30 minutes (depends on the size of your sweet potatoes). I would check after 20 minutes and go from there. These cook quicker (because they are cut in half) and they get carmalized more. Oh, yum! The carmalization on the flat surface tastes like candy to me! So good! This is my new favorite way to cook sweet potatoes!

Meal 3: Nom Nom Paleo Brussel Sprouts (again, guys I am addicted to these little things!) this time I added beets to the mix. Dill salmon, green beans sauteed in ghee. 

Brussel SproutsFollow Nom Nom Paleo's recipe but also add beets to the mix. I used Love Beets (pre-cooked beets found at Costco in the refrigerated fruit/veggie section). I just cut them up in similar sizes as the brussel sprouts.

My Thoughts on Today:
We were still getting over some yucky sickness but it wasn't as bad. I felt great. I had a lot of energy or "Tiger Blood" as Whole30ers call it. I really am loving how I feel and how I look. It may not be very visible to others but I feel amazing and I fit into all my clothes a lot better than before. 

Day 18: 

Meal 1: Veggie Omelette
Meal 2: leftover brussel Sprouts, avocado, veggies

Meal 3: Compliant Taco Salad (made by the dear Hubs)

My Thoughts on Today:
Today was Mother's Day. I didn't take any pictures of my food. I just enjoyed the day and enjoyed my babies! It made me really ponder my body and how much it really does, especially every day in my job as Mom. I am so grateful that I am healthy and that I have been able to have 2 beautiful children. I want to treat my body with respect by giving it the best forms of fuel I can. I want to stay healthy, strong, and full of energy because that is what my kids DESERVE. They deserve a mom who is always here. They deserve a mom who is healthy and cares about staying that way. I am going to do everything I can to give them the mom they deserve.

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