
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 22-23

Day 22

Meal 1: Scrambled eggs and a side of veggies

Meal 2: Hot dogs! And veggies.

These hot dogs are whole30 approved and they actually taste great. I recommend them. I know you can find them at Target, not sure where else. I want to buy this brand for my kids from now on, considering MJ can eat up to 3 hot dogs in 1 sitting. She is a tiny little thing but that girl can EAT. It is really impressive.

Meal 3: Roasted white and regular sweet potatoes, lemon pepper chicken, steamed broccoli, side of unsweetened applesauce with cinnamon (this was so yummy and it is now my "treat" at meals. Totally tastes like a dessert to me!)

Roasted White and Regular Sweet Potatoes
-1 white sweet potato
-1 regular sweet potato
-1 onion of your choice
-4-5 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
-3 T. Avocado Oil
-2 teaspoons rosemary (or any herbs you like. Italian seasoning would be great and so would thyme, or even a mix of rosemary and thyme)
-Salt and pepper

Cut up your sweet potatoes in bite-size pieces, roughly cut up your onion (about the same size pieces as your sweet potatoes) and garlic. Toss it all into a ziplock bag. Then pour in the avocado oil, rosemary, and salt and pepper. Shake it all up, toss in a greased baking dish, bake at 400 for 25 minutes, stir, and bake for another 25 minutes.

For the Lemon-Pepper chicken, make sure you have a compliant lemon-pepper on hand! There are a lot out there that have additives that are not compliant (like SUGAR). I used Mrs. Dash Salt Free Lemon Pepper because all of its ingredients are compliant. THIS is what it looks like but you can find it cheaper at your local grocery store. I got mine from Target. I love lemon-pepper chicken and this seasoning is full of flavor. I will make this a lot and have a bunch of chicken on-hand to toss into salads throughout the week.

Day 23

Meal 1: Veggie and Sausage Frittatta. 

Yum! This recipe is from Planks, Love and Guacamole. It was posted on the Whole30recipes page on Instagram and as soon as I saw it I KNEW I had to make it. You guys, all of Alanna's recipes (the girl behind Planks, Love, and Guacamole) are amazing. She is so talented! Her recipes are simple, healthy, and FULL of flavor. So delicious! Go and check her out! This is my version of her recipe. Hers called for fresh herbs (which I was fresh out of...sorry I had to). So I ended up using dry herbs and adding leftover broccoli from yesterday to the mix. This recipe is perfect for using up leftover cooked veggies and is so versatile you can basically throw anything you want in there. This is her recipe with some of my notes added in!

Planks, Love and Guacamole Baked Frittata
-6 eggs
-1/2 cup full fat unsweetened coconut milk (blended, then measured)
-3/4 cup chopped protein of choice (I used chicken-apple sausage)
-1 cup chopped veggies (saute first if using a veggie that is best cooked, I used steamed broccoli from the night before, some sauteed red onion and fresh tomatoes)
-1/2 teaspoon sea salt
-1/2 teaspoon black pepper
-Fresh herbs (I used 1/2 teaspoon of dried Italian seasoning, this is such a versatile recipe that you can use any seasonings you would like that you feel would go best with your protein and veggie choices)

1. Preheat oven to 350, oil a pie dish (I rubbed mine with some avocado oil)
2. Lightly beat eggs with salt and pepper.
3. Add coconut milk to eggs, mix to combine.
4. Pour egg mixture into pie dish.
5. Top with meat, veggies, and herbs. Gently mix.
6. Bake at 350 for 30 mins. Let is cool before slicing.

Meal 2: Leftover sweet potatoes and chicken.

Meal 3: In N Out double hamburger, Protein Style, Animal Style, hold the sauce, add mustard.

My Thoughts:
We were on our way to a wedding reception where I wasn't sure there would be anything compliant. So I made sure I grabbed something on our way. Good thing because there was Coldstone Ice Cream being served. Holy moly. It looked good but I wasn't tempted. I even served both my kids and helped them out with their ice cream and wasn't jealous at all. Holla! Whole30 food craving victory!

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