
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 25

Day 25

Today is Sunday and I actually fasted for the first 2 meals. Members of the LDS church (Mormons) fast the first Sunday of every month. This Sunday was not a Fast Sunday but my family decided to have a fast for my grandparents. We had a special family fast for my sweet Grandma who is not doing well and for my sweet Grandpa who is having a hard time with his sweetheart who is not improving. We believe that fasting combined with prayer and purpose increases our spiritual growth, draws us closer to God, and brings blessings. We skip 2 consecutive meals and break the fast with a prayer. Learn more about why we fast HERE. Some of my siblings and my family gathered together to break our fast this evening. We ended up having veggies, fruit, and steak, salmon, and chicken on the BBQ.

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