
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 9 and 10

Day 9:

Meal 1: Eggs, chicken apple sausage, and power greens scramble topped with avocado.

-Cut up your greens and sausage, saute the sausage first to get it a little brown (in a bit of oil of your choice).
-Then throw in the eggs (season at this time with seasonings of your choice).
-Toss in the (chopped) power greens when everything is almost finished.
-Slice up an avocado.
-Eat :)

Easy, delicious, nutritious.

I made my kids and Handsome Hubs some pancakes for breakfast because they weren't feeling like eggs (and MJ could eat pancakes for every meal and be as happy as a clam). I use Kodiak Cakes (you can buy them at Costco). These are awesome because you can just add water and you are good to go. OR you can add milk if you want the protein and fat from it. OR you can add milk and eggs. OR you can make it into waffle batter and have waffles. It is super versatile and pretty darn good for you. Plus they are so easy. Much better than other pre-made pancake batter. They also taste really really good. They are (clearly) not Whole30 approved but they are a great way to make things a little bit healthier around your home (and still just as delicious). Use Pure Maple Syrup and you have a pretty healthy way to enjoy a classic breakfast.

Meal 2: Leftovers

-Just a salad of a bunch of leftovers from the fridge. But I did drink some of this goodness (La Croix sparkling water, grapefruit flavor). I LOVE La Croix. It is so good. I have grapefruit, peach-pear, and coconut. All of which I think are delicious. I will be honest. At first I didn't like them, but after having no sugar and no soda for so long, I really enjoy these!

 Meal 3: Tuna Cakes with leftover tuna from Day 8
-These were so gross that I won't even post a recipe. Seriously. I am going to try this again probably but with an actually recipe to follow because what I did...didn't work.

Day 10

Guys, today was SO hard but I did it! It was a Saturday. We had a baptism in the morning for our nephew and afterwards a beautiful brunch was served...which really I couldn't eat anything but some apples and bananas. I knew that was probably going to be the case though so I made sure to eat breakfast before we left.

Meal 1: Scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit

We then had a family birthday party for my neice who was turning 1. Once again, I knew there wasn't really going to be anything there I could eat so I ate some leftovers before we left.

Meal 2: leftover burgers, fruit, veggies

Meal 3: Turkey taco salad

After a day around a lot of yummy food (none of which was Whole30 compliant) I was excited to treat myself to some goodness.

-Ground turkey (1.5 lbs or so)
-Homemade taco seasoning (I used this one HERE, minus the coriander because I was out of it, still tasted great)
-Toppings of your choice (I had olives, artichokes, guac, salsa, tomatoes, served over romaine and spinach)

Just cook your turkey with a little bit of oil until it is all cooked through. Then throw in all of the seasoning. and mix. Then I tossed in about 1/2 cup of water and let it simmer out. This helps the seasoning dissolve and more evenly distribute over the turkey. Guys. This was SO good I couldn't stop eating the turkey from the pan while I was getting all the other toppings ready. I honestly couldn't control myself. I will for sure make this again, probably in bullk so I can freeze a bunch for later. Highly recommend this recipe. Quick, easy, and everyone will eat it because you can put your own toppings on. I didn't miss my ranch or sour cream...which is saying something.

Also I had to post this non-scale victory. I didn't take before pictures when I started Whole30 because I honestly am doing this to heal my body from the inside-out. But I put on these shorts yesterday just to see if they fit...and they did! I haven't worn them since I got pregnant with MJ. She is 3.5 and took this picture for me. Not only do I feel great on the inside, it is starting to show on the outside, which is awesome. I really am feeling great. Even with all the tempting foods I encountered yesterday, I wasn't really craving them. I felt great, I fueled my body beforehand and didn't have to worry about being hungry and tempted at the same time. I am eating 3 meals a day I can't remember the last time I did this. It is amazing. I am full of energy and haven't been getting random headaches or random tired spells. I am on the go ALL day because of my babies but I have energy to keep up with them because I am fueling my body with healthy, whole foods.

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