
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 4

Day 4

{I have had a few people request recipes, if there is a link on the words, it will lead to the recipes, otherwise I will just tell you what I did if it is my own recipe.}

Meal 1: Veggie and Spinach Omelette topped with Avocado (sorry, no picture)

TIP: {When making an omelette, make sure you put your oil in the pan first (coconut, ghee, olive, avocado), saute all your veggies and spinach first until they get somewhat soft, THEN pour your eggs over the cooked veggies. Pull the egg to the middle a little bit and tip the pan so the raw egg can pour to wear you have exposed the hot pan. Repeat this until most of your raw egg has had a chance to pour off the top of your omelette. Then, fold it in half and cook for about 10-15 seconds on each side. Makes a MUCH tastier end result than having raw veggies in the middle. I promise.}

For sure my go-to breakfast. I didn't eat as much food as I should have so I was extra hungry when lunch rolled around. We have church at 9:00 am and I had to get ready, feed the kids and get them ready, and I woke up late so I am just glad I ate something. Next time I will throw in some compliant bacon or my favorite Aidell's Chicken and Apple sausage. 

Meal 2: Leftovers of the Creamy Leek Soup, and a spinach salad with veggies and some balsamic vinegar with a little bit of olive oil. La Croix Peach-Pear water to drink.

I scarfed this down. I was starving after church because I didn't eat enough for breakfast. I should have added some cooked chicken to the salad because it needed more protein but I was tired and wanted a nap and didn't have any chicken pre-made. This soup, by the way, is even better the next day (I feel like soup is always that way).

Meal 3: Dill Salmon, Broccoli, Sweet Potato Fries

I make salmon all the time. My husband loves it and so do my kids. This is one of their favorite ways that I cook it. In life before Whole30, I would use real butter but I replaced it with ghee this time to make it Whole30 compliant. No one could tell a difference.

Baked Salmon:

-Use only thawed salmon for this recipe.
-Preheat oven to 350.
-Line a pan with aluminum foil (makes for MUCH easier cleanup).
-Place salmon on top of the pan.
-Season salmon with a bit of garlic powder, dill (can use fresh but I use dried and it works great), salt and pepper.
-Put a few dollops of ghee (or butter if you aren't doing Whole30) on top.

-Bake for 20 minutes.
-Enjoy! Can also top with a bit of fresh squeezed lemon before you dig in and it is also delicious.

Broccoli was just frozen and in a steam-able bag already. So I just microwaved that and then topped it with ghee and salt and pepper.

Sweet potato fries are a bit trickier and I haven't mastered them yet. I did really like these though and will make this recipe again for sure

Sweet Potato Fries:

-2 large White Sweet Potatoes, washed and cut into thin strips (the thinner, the crispier)
-Soak in cold water for about an hour (this helps them to not be as mushy)
-Preheat oven to 425.
-Dry them a bit with paper towels once they have finished soaking.
-Toss in about 1/4 cup avocado oil (could use coconut oil as well, I wouldn't recommend olive oil because it doesn't have as high of a burning point and could start smoking up a storm in the oven)
-Add some herbs (I chose rosemary and salt and pepper).

-Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. You can cook longer if you feel yours aren't done yet.

I really liked these. White sweet potatoes are actually a little bit sweeter than orange and they have a more mild flavor. They work well for adding flavors and herbs to the mix. They also have a softer skin so you don't have to peel them before you bake them.

This dinner was divine. I ate EVERYTHING on my plate and the rest of my family ate everything I prepared. I didn't have to add rice or pasta for them because they were happy with what I had already so it was super nice. A Whole30 meal the whole family can enjoy! Yay! I have been really hungry because I am not getting the right proportions of fat and protein on my plate. I am working on it. Today was also MUCH easier than Day 3. I was nicer. I didn't hate anyone. I wasn't mean. The sugar cravings really calmed down. I only snacked once and it was on a bit of fresh cut pineapple. It was SOOO sweet to me. Holy cow! I could only handle like 4 pieces haha!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how your taste buds alter when you aren't eating sugar. All of a sudden, honey and fruit taste like candy.


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