
Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 5

Day 5

Meal 1: White Sweet Potato Hash, with an egg over easy (gooey yolks are the best yolks), Aidell's Chicken and Apple Sausage with a dollop of spicy brown mustard and a side of avocado.

White Sweet Potato Hash
-Peel and grate 2 sweet potatoes (I used my food processor and I would recommend it, you can do it by hand it will just take a lot longer, ain't nobody got time for that)
-Then add salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder to the mix and mix it up by hand. You can add whatever seasonings you want, this is just what I was feeling this morning.

-Fight your dog off from the garbage can because she is obsessed with raw sweet potato (I checked, its okay for her to have, no worries, here she is downing all the peelings).

-Make sure you are using a pan that has a lid, melt your fat of choice ~2 T. (I did 1 T. of coconut oil and 1 T. of ghee, just because I felt like being cool) over medium heat.
-Throw in your potatoes.
-Mix everything around and saute it all up a bit.

-Place your lid on and let it go for a bit while you cook your over easy egg. I checked on it every once in awhile. Stirred it a couple times. Then I figured it was ready when it tasted like the potatoes were done.

For my Chicken and Apple Sausage, I just cut them up and cook them over medium head. Flip when they need it. They are good. You can't ruin these. Also, my sister asked today if these have a traditional "sausage texture" to them. No. They don't have gross bits of fat to chew on or hard pieces of who knows what. So don't worry, just eat them. :)

And there ya go, breakfast:

Meal 2: Finished off the leftovers of my Creamy Leek Soup (recipe in previous posts) with a side salad. Nothing fancy.

The only thing different for the soup was that I let it simmer longer (forgot about it while I was helping my sister). I think it helped the flavor a bit. Also, you cannot taste the coconut milk in this soup or in the Leek soup. Really. You can't. This is a winner and I am so glad I have leftovers for tomorrow. It has been cold here in Utah and this really hits the spot.

 Italian Chicken
This is the easiest chicken ever. I made it all the time when I was a poor college student because it is cheap and delicious and healthy. It is also kind of no-fail.
-Use thawed chicken tenderloins if you have them, or do what I did and just cut thawed chicken breasts into tenderloin sizes. This helps the chicken cook faster.
-Warm up some oil in the pan (I like olive oil for this) over medium-high heat.
-Season the chicken on both sides with a little bit of salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, and garlic powder.
-Toss the chicken into the pan, and let it brown on one side (I let it sit for about 3-4 minutes, then check to see if it is the color I like).
-Then flip the chicken and let it brown on the other side.
-Once you have browned the chicken on both sides, turn the heat down to low and put a lid on the pan. The chicken then does it's thing and will be ready in about 10 minutes or so. I check it every 5 minutes by cutting open the thickest one a bit to see if it is still pink.
-Once the chicken is done, take it out of the pan and let it rest for a few minutes before you cut it up so the juices can settle and you don't get chicken juice everywhere and your chicken isn't dry.

Today (according to the Whole30 Timeline) should have been a really hard day for me. I should want to "kill all the things" but to be honest, I was SO busy today cooking, cleaning, taking care of MJ and Bubbs, getting mad at Minnie for tracking mud ALL over my house, going to the grocery store, going to the dinosaur museum, and doing every day things that I had no time to be mad at all the things. I am exhausted though. I would do anything for a nice long nap but considering it is actually 9:00 pm I will settle for an early bedtime. I didn't have any sugar cravings today but I did have a rather bizarre dream last night. I had a dream that I went to WINCO and bought peach rings in bulk (the sugar covered candies). I then proceeded to eat the ENTIRE bag and felt SO extremely sick afterwards. I have super crazy dreams ALL the time so this was no surprise to me but it made me laugh. It is common to have bizarre food-related dreams during Whole30 so I am glad I can actually say I had one. So I guess the key to making Whole30 easy is to be so busy you don't even think about it??

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