
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 6

Day 6

Meal 1: White Sweet Potato Hash with sauteed veggies {peppers, onions, spinach}, scrambled eggs topped with compliant salsa

For the Hash:

I had leftovers from the previous day so I didn't have to make more of the hash portion (recipe found HERE)

-I cut up an onion, threw some avocado oil in a pan. I then tossed in the peppers and frozen spinach (I buy a HUGE thing of spinach from Costco and keep half in my fridge to eat fresh and put the other half in my freezer to cook with, just using ziplock bags for both).
-Saute until veggies are softened. (I probably would have added mushrooms to this as well but my sister was over and she is allergic).

-Then I tossed in the hash from the day before. Let it cook up a bit and heat through, mix well.

I then made scrambled eggs  and topped them off with some salsa (not pictured).

This was yummy and I loved having salsa on my eggs. I forgot how much I love salsa on eggs! I will probably make the same thing tomorrow. I need more eggs though. I only have 2 left. Holy cow we eat lots of eggs over here but they are so yummy that I don't mind one bit!

Meal 3: Garlic-Lemon shrimp and veggie lettuce wraps with roasted carrots and raw broccoli on the side

Garlic-Lemon Shrimp

-Raw shrimp that has been de-veined and shell removed, salt and pepper both sides and set aside
-Cut up about 5 cloves of garlic (you can do more or less but this is based off of a recipe we had while in Hawaii at the Garlic Shrimp Truck and so we like it really garlicky)
-You can mince them up kind of big, you don't need to have tiny minced pieces.
-Melt Coconut Oil in a pan over medium-high heat, about 1-2 Tablespoons. I like to have a little more coconut oil when I make this than I normally would cook with because it allows the shrimp to soak in more flavor and gives a nice subtle coconut taste which is so good!!

-Toss the shrimp and garlic into the pan with the melted coconut oil. Shrimp cooks really fast (about 3-4 minutes per side. And you know your shrimp is done when it turns pink, a built in thermometer!)
-Flip the shrimp over to cook both sides. I leave the tails on for this because I am lazy but you can certainly take them off before you cook them. I take them off right before I serve them on everyone's plates.

-Then, once the shrimp is done, pour EVERYTHING out into a bowl (oil included, it creates a nice sauce for the shrimp) and squirt about a quarter of a lemon on top of it all and stir it up. And you are done. It tastes like gourmet shrimp and took you like 10 minutes to whip up. One of my favorite things to make.

Sauteed Veggies

I added these because I wanted a little bit more filling in with my shrimp. My family had brown rice and so I wanted something to make mine more filling.

-I just sauteed about a quarter of an onion that i had sitting in my fridge along with leftover mushrooms and peppers in Olive Oil with a bit of salt and pepper until everything was soft.

Roasted Carrots

I had some beautiful carrots leftover from my Bountiful Basket (food co-op) and wanted to roast them up.

So I used Ina Garten's recipe, only substituting dry parsley because that is what I had. 

This was yummy. It totally hit the spot. It was full of flavor and even Handsome Husband loved it. The kids barely touched anything and MJ much prefers "cold" carrots to "hot" carrots and asked to have some raw ones from the fridge instead. At least they ate their brown rice and tried everything on their plates before they left the table. That is all I ask :)

Also, today was nice. I feel like I am totally getting in the groove when it comes to making meals. I just throw what I have together and make what is available. I used to be SUCH a meal planner and would plan my month of meals out in advance and then go shopping for those specific meals every 2 weeks or so. It was nice but I really love just seeing what I have and making something come together. It has been fun and has allowed me to be so creative in the kitchen. Sorry if my recipes are so scattered to you. That is just how I cook. I find something and throw it in. I don't measure much. I just taste and change things up if I don't like how it tastes. I didn't have to do as many dished today because I had lots of things prepared already (which was very nice). I felt really good today. A bit tired, still waiting for my energy to kick in, but I feel so much better than I did 6 days ago. Everything just tastes better to me. I feel more alert and more on top of things. I didn't have any sugar cravings today. It was so nice!

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