
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 7

Day 7

Meal 1: Sweet Potato Hash with veggies, scrambled eggs and salsa

Yes, just leftovers from the previous days. Still Salsa on eggs just doesn't get old to me. Also, I FINALLY found some compliant bacon (no sugar added, HOLLA) and so you KNOW bacon is going to be all up in here soon. 

Meal 2: In N Out Burger (Double meat, no cheese, animal style, hold the sauce, protein style)

I was running errands with the kids and didn't have time to get home for lunch so I made a quick pit-stop at In N Out. As you can see from the picture, they clearly messed up my order and gave me that delicious looking bun. I made them fix it but not before snapping a pic for my Instagram peeps (@darcieats). Guys #whole30problems are real and we are faced with them daily ;)

Meal 3: Salsa Verde Chicken stuffed in Roasted Peppers over Power Greens, topped with guacamole and balsamic vinegar

Salsa Verde Chicken

I just made this up this morning and it turned out pretty good

-Place 4 chicken breasts in the crockpot
-Pour entire jar of compliant Salsa Verde over the top, I used this kind. I am sure there are a lot out there that are compliant. Jut read the ingredients. No sugar or crazy random crap can be added.

-Toss in some green chiles for good measure and extra flavor. You could also add cumin or other spices to kick this up. I was in a hurry so I didn't but next time I will.

 -Cook on low for 8 hours, shred when done, place back into crockpot to soak up all the flavor and goodness.

-Roast peppers that have been cleaned and cut in half in the oven (Broil on high for about 10 minutes).
-Then place chicken in the peppers. I put cumin and Pink Himalayan Salt on top and then broiled for about 4 more minutes.


-Then place over some Power Greens (guys I really don't like Kale but I can handle it in this form)

-Drizzle with balsamic vinegar, top your pepper with guacamole or even just avocados work but I like the added taste to the salad that the guacamole gives. Dig in :)

This was super yummy and very filling. It is almost 10:00 pm right now and I am still full and happy from dinner. Must have been the greens :)

 I did snack today. You aren't supposed to snack during Whole30 if you can help it. I am a stickler for rules and hate breaking them but I bought these babies at Costco today and couldn't turn it down. I had earned it after battling that place with Bubbs and MJ in tow. It was so yummy! Not all Larabars are Whole30 approved, so check your ingredients. I do know that Apple Pie and Cherry Pie pass though!

My thoughts on today:
Today was good. I am tired but that is because it is my bedtime. I am gaining a better control of everything. My sugar cravings were pretty bad today but I am hoping they will go away if I try to eat a little bit of fruit with each meal. We will see :). My problem is I don't really like fruit that much. Weird I know, but whatevs. Get over it. 

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